Dang, just blogged for Human Communication -.-
i don't think i cna blog normally -.-
I can't use emoticons!!!!
like this :)
or this :(
or >8)
or even these expressions,
muahhahah, teehee, booba, rarrrrr, buahahhaha
this is baddddd, I am supposed to type formally
I think.
no typing like what i'm typing now.
It has to be in paragraphs, FREAKING paragraphs man!!!!
I don't DO paragraphs!!!!
Holyyy crappppp
and i don't even know if we can use the phrase 'Holy Crap'!!!!


oh, and did i mention,
Hannah Tan will be attending C2AGE and performing for our opening
i think i have a gramatical error there, but +D
i don't know XD
weel, new semester started this week.
Holy crap.
and i've been staying back everyday, by the time i reach back home, it's always past 9.
and somehow, weirdly, my parents aren't nagging.
This is so weird.
But my mom nags, my dad doesn't
ah well.
Another week of staying back and it'll be all over.

C2AGE is coming up!!!
On the 16th of May, which is this coming saturday, from 11 till 6, though we have to be there at 7am -.- and on friday night we have to stay till about 10, and on that day itself, we'll be running around doing lots of stuff and controling people and getting everything to run smoothly and NGAHHHHHH!!!!

i forgot to get food for the commitee.
we shall starve.