Tagged. Sometimes I wonder why I bother doing this -.-
Name : Jenn
Sisters : None that I know of
Brothers : Juan
Shoe size : 5 or 6?
Height : 159 :D [though i do want to be slightly taller....like 165 or 170]
Where do you live : Malaysia
Favourite Drinks : Slurpee [weeee], green tea, milo, pretty much anything
Have you ever been on a plane : Yess!!! Japan!!! [which reminds me, haven't blogged about it yet :S]
Swam in the ocean : think so
Fallen asleep in school : Countless times. [though they made it a blue card offense if we were to sleep in class. Wtf]
Broken someone's heart : Not yet [Bwahahaha]
Fell off your chair : Can't remember
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : yes
Saved e-mails : yes
What is your room looks like : pink. The colour I hate most. and full with girly barbie doll and princess stickers. [The occupant before me was a girl -.- and obviously pretty young or either that, retarded]
What is the last thing you ate : Lunch, no wait, chocolate-coffee wafers :D
Ever had Chicken pox : when I was 7
Sore throat : Last week
Stitches : think so, but they didn't do a perfect job
What's right beside you : the window?
Do you believe in love at first sight : Yes
Like picnics : Have yet to go on one
Who was the last person you danced with : I think...at Su's party? not that I dance, which I should really work on.
Last made you smile : Gypsy :D okay fine, in human terms, Elle.
Today did you talk to someone you like : Not today.
Do you eat healthy : Yes, No? Yes i think? Then again, no?
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you : Scolding :S
Are you loud or quiet most of the time : Half of each
Are you confident : When I'm comfortable.
5 things I was doing 10 years ago : Eating - Sleeping - Going to school - Making friends - Alive and breathing
5 things on my to-do list today : Jogging - Malay Literature - Add maths project - take a shower - persuade my mom to take me shopping tommorrow :D
5 snacks I enjoy : ice-cream = chocolate = yoghurt = cendol = onigiri :3~
5 thing I would do if I were a billionaire : stock up on my manga = stock up on my anime = buy books to read = go shopping = get another 5 BIG dogs = take some friends shopping [well, I AM a billionaire now, aren't I?]
5 of my bad habits : Laziness. Peeling my nails. Judgemental [slightly]. Undisciplined[working on that]. Wasting my time
5 people to tag : Any 5 who stumbles upon this tag. Peace V

Grandma SWEARING in english

Right, as the title says, the grandmother's swearing in english. Can't say you've not been warned~~~
But HAHAHHA, it's freakin hillarious!!!
Just make sure your parents don't mind XD


I shall control myself at all times.
I shall control myself at all times.
I shall control myself at all times
(repeat to self 100 times)

I am dying of hair loss(as I am tearing out my hair)to blog about Bon Odori T_T
  • I walked home from school yesterday
  • now my calves are aching :S
  • Kuro barked a-plenty yesterday
  • Gypsy hates Kuro
  • Kuro wants to play
  • Gypsy DOESN'T want to play
  • Kuro steals Gypsy's food and loves taking all the attention
  • Kuro loves irritating Gypsy


And yes, I locked myself out of my phone so please bear with me while I try to figure out the code before Bon Odori.
I'm trying every number from 1000 till 9999, so it's gonna take a while. =.=
I went to Paws last sunday.
And I got a dog :D
-bathing in the sun-
Well, my mom says he's ugly.
"I am not ugly."
But I find him endearing
But he's a little on the underweight side....well, okay, ALL the way on the underweight side,
and he hasn't made any sounds except for coughing and whining,
but Kuro reminds me of a Labrador [BIG smile :D]
Kya!!! Kawaii!!! :3~
and look!!! He has the tail Gypsy never had XD
Adorable? :)
But yea, Gypsy is either jealous of him, which I doubt so.
I think she's more scared of him then jealous.
Gypsy :"Who do you think you are bitch?!"
She shrinks away whenever he comes near.
What's going on in Gypsy's mind : 'What the *tut* are you doing? WHat the *tut* are you doing? WHat the *tut* *tut *TUT* are you DOING?!?!'
It was worst on the first day, but these few days she's been making[or trying?] an effort to make friends.
This is the closest she'll sit next to Kuro.
They're more alike than you think :D
Look left and look right. If you save this and look at them when browsing through it, it's goddamned funny. It looks like they're turning their heads
Ah well, it'll take a while, cause she HAS been the only dog and the ONLY focus of attention for the past 4 years XD
Can we return him now~? *stare....*
Apparently the previous owner returned her on the same morning I went to get him.
My dad thinks the previous owner mistreated him cause he looks like he's starving and Kuro's always afraid whenever you come near him.
My dad ALSO thinks the previous owner de-barked the dog.
WTF, I didn't even know that was possible. How mean can people get? He's only 4 months old!!!
Hope the previous owner gets involved in a car accident and gets sent to the hospital for an operation but then the doctor enters the operation room thinking it's a sex exchange operation and makes the owner the opposite gender of what it is now.

Maximum Cute Factor :)