Day 2 of Japan [as far as I can remember it]

yay, touchdown in Japan~
lookie!!!! all of their stuff are electronic. Their toilets are like super canggih man.
Toilet, like those you always here and read and watch about. They have buttons!!!
AND their toilets are warmed up during the winter, so it's really 'aaaaaa~~~hhhh----' when you sit on the seat when you're freezing your ass off.
hahahaha, there's even a picture of the butt to show that you have to press that button to flush. and the 'flushing sound' button. When you press it, only the sound comes out.....don't know why they put it there though, mabye it's disabled-friendly, which is another thing i like about Japan ^^
their drying machine. to dry your hands.
it blows from BOTH sides. Efficient. and fast.
At the airport where we touched down. Big and fat Japan-style santa.
[Me, C, XY]
me and XY. On the other side of the Japanese santa

Japan trees!!!! XD
Their train stations. It's air-conned----- T_T
Cute trains ^^ reminds me of the london-styled double decker buses....maabye it's cause of the colour
Lovely seats. You can totally strech out your legs. their leg space is ample. haaaa~~ Heaven~~ ^^
Kyaaaa~VENDING MACHINES!!!!!!!!!
A scenery from the building where we ate some malaysian styled lunch by the Japanese society that met up with us
Nyaha, I like this scenery
And this. It's like the mangas!!!!!!
Bicycles! And MANY of them. Loads. Everywhere.
Nyaha, a warning on don't stick your hand to near the train in case it closes and your hand gets caught. Har har har.
Haha, these were like messages to the public i think. funny XD
Then we met up with the host family, finally, and followed them back home. Their house is lovely~~~I was in a Japanese house!!!!!!!!!!!!
For dinner, our host took me and C to a Japanese bar. For Shabu-Shabu.
actuallly, i'm not really sure if it's called that, but, whatever. It's was DEEElicious!!!!
and we ate tongue. Har har har.
but it was yummy ^^
And they smelled heavenly~~~hm...should've tried their sake. Since most of the people there were amazed that we were 16. XD
This was....i think it's scallop and butter on top. and they heat it up and it melts and the scallop's cooked and it taste yuuuu~~mmmyy~. :D
HAHAHAHHA, cawan mushi!!!!!
Ice-cream!!!!!!!! though i thought it tastes like the uiro me, C and XY bought from the airport[which was not bad too ^^]. tastes like lime-ish but not sour.
Haha, Japanese-styled Bingo. The adults were all crazy about it.
Nyaha, most of the people there, spot me and C
Weeell, these were XY's pics, but they're so adorable!!!
Preschool uniforms!!!! It's so cuuuuuute!!!!
I think....her name's....um...dear me, i just can't seem to remember her name.
But what the heck, she's cute!!!!
Though the dog looks a tad creeeeepy ><
XY was so lucky!!! Her host had dogs!!!!!
Anywayz, this is how i remember day 2. damn. i'm forgetting stuffs!!!!!
nyaha. check out XY's blog, she made a really funny post about our trip to Japan ^^
Kya!!!! her layout is Ouran!!!!!!

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