I was looking through Ben's websites to see if he had anything interesting to read other than facebook and twitter, and I came across this website which he had open.
It really does make you think, and to sit down and think about all the things you have now: your parents, your friends, your house, your life.
Makes you want to run outside and tell everyone you love life, and that you're glad that you're alive and about.
Makes you glad that you have your parents and your family with you.
Makes you glad that you have friends that you can count on to listen and go through the hard times with you.
Makes you glad that you have a healthy body and that you aren't broke.
Makes you glad that you are capable of love and feelings.
Makes you glad that you are you.

I love every single second when I am alive and breathing.
and that I am going to take a statistics quiz tommorow.
Call me weird.
But I am thankful.

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