Well, now that my hair is long enough to be tied into two ponytails (I CAN TIE TWO PONYTAILS ON MY HEAD. -.- my hair is long. holy pee)
...... =.= ......
Anyways, so i searched the net for hairstyles to cut.
I found some, though the ones that I liked were short, and the medium ones were all about styling.
[these were short, above the shouders, but they're nice +D]
Her hairstyle's nice, but a tad too plain I think.
Although I think the reason it seems plain is because i'm staring at her pudding 8)
This is cute, but course, you won't be expecting to see me with that kind of hairstyle every single day -.-
I would die. My hands would die.
This is my personal favourite +D
iLove :)
even though it's pink. xp
However, these are a few hairstyles that I WOULDN'T want to be stuck with.

Half-balded -.-

weird goth. (even I think it's weird. reminds me of something =,=)
Huge-ass-colourtastic hair +D

I don't want dolls dangling from my hair either.

As much as I like smileys, I don't think I want one perched on my head :)
Nor do I want a pink panther (of all things -.-) on my back.
I don't think Ben would like me looking like that either +D
Jenn: "Hi Bennnn +D"
Ben: "-.-"
Jenn: "Rawwwwrrrrr"
Ben: "=.="
Mabye I'll just do some trimming instead.

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