3 Year Old Solves Rubik's Cube in 114 seconds

Kyaa!!! The kid's expression is absolutely adorable!!!

I can't solve a rubik's cube.
I am dumber than this kid.

My brother found out how to cheat when playing with a rubik's cube.

-.- wtf -.-

I didn't know it was even possible to CHEAT on a rubik's cube.
He must've been reaaally bored =.=
Everday I'm living now,
I am finally living for myself.
I need to use the toilet

Finally gonna move tomorrow~
Tomorrow 9am!!!
Buahahahha. But I shall use the toilet in this house before moving there.
For all the money they spent on doing the toilets, they didn't think of modern-izing the toilets in their house.
What an idiot.


Moving is a hassle.
I've unearthed a lot of unwanted things covered by dust 1 inch thick.
I could've suffocated and died on the spot -.-
Either way,
This house is FINALLY going to be renovated after, say, 2 years. 3 years to be exact.
Since I was form 3.
Took damned long.
Hya hya, and now it's finally being done so :D
Can't wait for it to be done, cause by then I'll finally have my own room!!!

ForYourInfo: Haven't had MY own room, as in with all MY things in it, and MY own bed and MY stuff basically is what I'm talking about. I HAVE NOT HAD MY OWN ROOM SINCE I WAS BORN.
And now at the new house I'll get my own room :D
the house ain't bad. Just that it's carpeted all over the freakin house and their toilets are like from the villages.
Couldn't the previous owners afford better toilets??
But yea, loved everything else besides the toilets....and the cockroaches in the kitchen, but mabye that's cause nobody has lived in that house for the past year or so. :S
the lawn's huge though, and I can jog round the house instead of going to park when I feel like it.
And best of all...
I can get a new dog!!!!
On Friday:
  • exams were finally over [it dragged on to 5 weeks!!! With the 2 weeks of holidays plastered in between it. That's even longer than SPM itself -.-]
  • that was finally over.
  • Jani-ce surprised me by coming over to my house. cause I'd forgotten bout going to the park with her XD [fell alseep. boy, did I get a shock when I woke up and saw her]
  • On the way to the park, some bird-ass shat on me. Literally SHAT. *strangles the bird and chops it up and rolls it into pounded meat and then adds pepper and salt to it, grinds it into 100000 tiny pieces, blends it for the cats to eat.* Muaha-MUHAHAHAHAHAHA.
  • went to the park, monkeys were EVERYWHERE!!!
  • -.- monkeys are creepy
  • and they just love making babies right in front of eveyone at the park.
  • the dog doesn't chase the monkeys. How extraordinary.
  • There are some people how feed the dog there!!! Such saints! ^^

I go to the park and this is what i get. Bird-poop and monkey business.


p.s. : that doesn't mean I won't go the park again Jani-ce~~I will still go~~~. XD mabye I'll even bring some doggy treats for the dog :D


I wonder,
whether what I'm feeling is what I'm thinking.
Is it mutual?
Or is it just me.
Mabye it's just another illusion of mine that I had somehow created
But it would be nice to dwell in that fact for a while :)

But, why did she had to pop my bubble?
Just a few pictures and I was feeling bored to bits

Exams are here and will be for the next 2 weeks T_T
but that doesn't stop me from using the computer :D

okay, well, I should really study.
I die die died in history today.

anyways, [what was I gonna say....aha!]
Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori is good. A lot better than the first season, which was so boring I fell asleep halfway XD
But apparently the 3rd season is coming out? :D
Gah, really need to stock up on my anime and manga, haven't been out for shopping in....I don't know...2 months? 3?
again, die die die.

Ha yes, and I tried driving on saturday :D
Fun [double :D]
I drive at 3km/h

Wheee, finally got a dreamcatcher, courtesy of Elle.
Thank you very very much!!! [though I don't think I really showed it that day, but when I wanted too, my reaction would've been too slow cause it was only at the end of the day that I actually thought about it ><]
Matsuyama Ken'ichi modeling for 2%homme
THANK YOU ELLE!!!! [and to Bryan for telling who he is to you and you kept it :D]
Nya~~ Matsuyama Ken'ichi <3~
Now I'm going to sit like at idiot at my table staring at his pictures/poster and have this ridiculous cheshire cat grin on my face 24-7


oho, yes.
i forgot.

Please vote for Bryan!

don't worry.
it's a malaysian thing and it ain't no hoax.
Daijobu desu.
Hai hai.

Be a kind soul and vote for him
you can vote once a day online
just click on vote and enter your details 8)
Domo arigato!
okay right.


I'l kill those bloody suckers.
murder them
squish them
mass-murder them
burn them
zap them
coil them
garlic them
smother them
bubble them
boil them
freeze them
savour them[okay, mabye not]
kill them
I'll unstripe those little SUCKERSSS!!!
I spot one little sucker.



I can finally log on to blogger.
well, at my aunt's place that is.
but the damn freakin keyboard is as stiff as an ironboard.
anyways, shocking news

i straightened my hair O_o
and it's a lot straighter now (well, it IS supposed to be straightened)
and it's wow, not frizzy.
but the downside:
  • can't wash my hair for 3 days
  • can't tie up my hair [this is impossible as i have such a thing called school]

and the keyboard is really getting on my nerves.

*fume* *fume*

on a brighter note, i was messing with the camera the other day, and i took these wonderful pictures :D (please ignore your highness's haughtiness)

conclusion: Solar and negative produce cool pictures :D

makes me wanna take up photography again.